BeerMenus & Turbolinks

As my time in Croatia wraps up I was given the opportunity to speak at a local meetup in Split, Mobile Monday Split. My presentation covered two topics: BeerMenus and Turbolinks. I dove into the Consumer and Retailer side of the BeerMenus business and explained how we use Turbolinks to quickly release new features to our four platforms.

Some highlights #

I walked through how BeerMenus supports desktop, mobile web, iOS, and Android with a small dev team.

  • 32:06 - Slide 22 - A quick start guide on getting Turbolinks up and running on iOS.
  • 24:31 - Slide 18 - An animated overview of the Turbolinks request lifecycle.
  • 39:42 - Slide 27 - Communication between the app and the server via JavaScript.

Mobile Monday Split meets every month or so and dives into all things development focused. Past topics include game development with Unity, native iOS and Android apps, and Continuous Integration. If you’re ever near Split I highly recommend dropping by a session!